What kind of services are you looking for?
Type of Business Return
Which type of entity is your business?
State Return Quantity
How many state income tax returns does your business file?
# of state returns
What's Your Tax Situation?
Please select all that apply and then click Next Step.
W-2 Employee
Retired - Social Security/Pension
Own a small business (includes side gigs)
Own rental property
Receive K-1s
Received interest/ dividends of >$1,500
Sold stock
Took early withdrawal from retirement account
Dependents NOT in daycare or college
Dependents in daycare
Dependents in college
You/your spouse went to college
Itemize deductions (Most people no longer itemize unless they have mortgage interest of more than ~$10k for single filers and ~$20k for married filers)
Sold my main home this year
Lived in two or more states this year
Worked in one state but lived in another
Got health insurance through the state marketplace AND received a premium tax credit
Which State Returns Do You Need?
Each slider represents the number of state returns you need filed in each category. So for example if you file tax returns in Oregon and California, you'll move the first slider to 1 for the OR return and the third slider to 1 for the CA return. Most people will only move one slider to 1. Our price for state returns varies depending on how closely the state follows Federal tax law.
CO / ND / OR / UT
CT / DE / IL / KS / LA / MD / MA / MI / NM / OK
All other states
How many dependents UNDER the age of 13 do you have in daycare?
How many dependents do you have in college?
Do you need returns filed for your dependent(s)?
If we prepare your return, we can also prepare your minor/dependent's tax return for $50.
Please move the slider to the number of dependent returns you expect you will need.
They need to file a return if one or more of these apply. They:
- had income tax withheld from their paycheck.
- earned more than $13,850.
- earned more than $400 in self-employment income.
- received more than $1,100 in interested/dividends.
- received more than $350 in interest/dividends AND had a job.
Business Details
Tell us a little more about your business.
How many K-1s do you receive?
Rental Information
How many rental properties do you own?
1031 exchanges start at $150. If you choose yes, your quote will be increased by $150, but this may not be an accurate price depending on complexity.
Business Details 2
Tell us a little more about your second business.
Stock Sales
How many brokerage accounts did you use to sell stock? (Or how many 1099-B forms did/will you receive?)
Please note most cryptocurrency wallets currently track buy and sell price but do not report them in a format IRS accepts. There is a tool that will convert this data into an acceptable format, and if you use cryptocurrency for day-to-day purchases you will be required to buy this tool ($50-$150) for use in preparing your return.
Final cost
The final estimated price is :
Please note: This is an estimate only. Accuracy of the estimate is dependent on the accuracy of the answers to the questions. Final cost to prepare the return will be based on actual forms and calculations required to complete the tax return. We will confirm any price adjustments with you prior to completing the return.
Description | Information | Quantity | Price |
Discount : | |||
Total : |